
The Revolution
Will Not Be Coded

2021 was codeless architecture’s biggest year yet.

And we’re just getting started.

10 Million Lines of code avoided
thanks to Unqork

  • 2.3x LoCs than macOS

  • 940x lines in The Mahabharata (AKA “the world’s longest epic poem”)

  • 2x more than LoCs avoided in 2020

Technology debt avoided

Studies show that every LoC sent to production comes with $3.61 worth of updates over its lifetime.

With those savings, you could buy:

  • 827,659 bottles of Dom Pérignon Cuvée Champagne 2003

  • 2,715 flights on Virgin Galactic

  • 9,709 fully loaded Tesla Cybertucks

500,000 Coding hours avoided

Programmers could use that time to:

  • Watch every episode of “The Simpsons” 5,481 times

  • Watch every Star Wars movie 75,200 times

  • Make 242 round trips to Mars

8,000+ Unqork Academy students

  • 18x population of Vatican City

  • 2x number of US dental school graduates in 2020

  • 14x undergrads at California Institute of Technology

45% Increase in number of applications developed & deployed with Unqork’s Platform

  • Launched Unqork Marketplace

  • 70 listings built

  • 250 apps created from Marketplace templates

2021 was HUGE

The Revolution
Will Not Be Coded

  • Doubled number of customers

  • 102% growth in SI partners

  • 314+ new employees

  • Held our first annual Unqork Create conference

Play Along and help us beat code once and for all!

THANK YOU for an amazing year!

Join us in 2022 as we herald a new era of digital transformation and bring Codeless Architecture to the world!

Learn more about Unqork and how you can create enterprise-grade applications without writing a single line of code.